
Protecting our environment is a critical part of strengthening our communities. As a Berkley City Councilmember, I’ve consistently supported the implementation of Berkley’s energy plan that promotes energy efficiency and sustainability community-wide. I’m also proud to serve on a subcommittee that has successfully advocated for a $100,000 line item in Berkley’s upcoming budget for installing electric vehicle charging stations. Now, I’m ready to take the fight for a cleaner environment to our state legislature. 

 My plan for preserving Michigan’s vast natural resources and green spaces includes:

  • Investing in renewable energy to promote sustainability and create new, high-quality jobs for Michigan workers. 

  • Holding corporate polluters accountable for the contamination they cause, making them cover the cost of mitigation, and increasing reporting requirements. 

  • Increasing staffing and funding for the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality.